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Employee Performance
We work with the Directors of Operations and the Management as part of an Overall Performance Improvement Program where we focus on issues you’ve identified that result in lost profits. Examples include cost overruns, missed deadlines, upskilling, turnover, or any other problems that stem from lack of employee performance.
This applies to Site Supervisors, Site Foreman, Project Managers, Project Coordinators, and Cost Estimators.
We work with the Management to create Tailored Training Programs around those issues and then deliver that training remotely in 1:1 meetings with your employees for less than half the price of hiring someone to be on site, and outside of working hours.
lost annually per employee not meeting their work performance objectives
+40 hours
of manager time saved per month when working with ESM to help your employees meet their work objectives
How many people are meeting performance expectations?
What is poor performance costing your organization?
How many people could benefit from
1:1 support?
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